Staying on top of your health starts with the basics and one of the simplest (but most overlooked) health boosts is drinking enough water.
“2020 has been my best year ever!”
If you’re like most of us, you’re staggering towards the end of 2020, possibly scratching your head and wondering what happened. But it’s not time to give up yet.
Why? Because 2021’s just around the corner and it’s going to be your year. We can feel it.
So, let’s take what’s left of 2020 and do what we can to prepare ourselves to hit 2021 running – feeling fit, healthy and well.
Ready? Here are five easy ways to prep yourself:
Unplug – work hard when you need to, but also know when to switch off and give your eyes and brain a break. Take some time away from your workspace and get out in nature.
Work on your relationships – how are you getting along with your colleagues? Maybe you’ve been working remotely more this year and you’ve lost touch, or maybe there are some people in your team you could get to know better.
Take some time out to grab a coffee and a chat. Everything works better when you feel like you’re part of a team.
Get your eyes checked – if you haven’t used your optical cover this year, get your eyes checked and perhaps treat yourself to a new pair of glasses. Your eyes will thank you.
Take regular breaks – there are no prizes for burnout. There’s just burnout and it’s a lonely place. Take some time out to do something you love or something you know makes you feel good. In fact, try to schedule in three things every week – a massage, lunch with a friend, a yoga class…whatever works for you. You’re the only one who can make it happen.
Eat healthy – there are lots of treats to be had at this time of year, but try to put in some healthy stuff first. That way you’ll fill up on fruit and vegetables before you start on the ice cream and chips. Win!
You’ve worked hard all year, so take this time to give yourself the break you deserve, and let’s make 2021 the best year ever.