Union Health is governed by a board comprising of 10 members.
The board has four committees:
Audit Committee
Product and Investment Committee
Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Risk Committee
The board and Committees set the strategic direction for the organisation and oversee operational issues as detailed in the Board Governance Charter.
For a copy of our Health Fund Rules please contact us directly on 1300 661 283 or email enquiries@unionhealth.com.au

John Battams
Member - Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Bachelor of Economics
Diploma of Education
Member – Australian Institute of Company Directors
John Battams was appointed to the Board as the nominee director of the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) in 2011 and elected by members in 2013. He was appointed as Chair of the Board in November 2015.
John is currently a director of the Queensland Investment Corporation Ltd (QIC) and also Chair of the QIC Risk Committee. John is president of the Australian Labor Party Queensland Branch and a director of several companies of the Labor Holdings Group. John held the position of general secretary of the Queensland Teachers’ Union from 1990-2011 and is a former president of the Queensland Council of Unions (QCU) where he worked with Queensland unions representing workers on industrial, political and social justice issues. John has had extensive directorship experience on a number of boards.

Terry Burke
Deputy Chair
Chair - Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Member - Product and Investment Committee
Bachelor of Education
Master of Educational Administration
Graduate Diploma in Education
Certificate in Finance
Certificate in Governance for Not for Profits
Graduate - Australian Institute of Company Directors
Terry Burke has been an elected director since 1999. Terry is the general secretary of the Queensland Independent Education Union, a director of NGS Super as well as vice president of the Queensland Council of Unions.
Terry has an extensive background in organisational development and administration, risk assessment and management, strategic and policy development. In his teaching career he worked in Catholic schools in Toowoomba and Redcliffe and held various administrative positions.

Brendan Farrel
Member - Audit Committee
Member – Risk Committee
Qualifications from Deakin University (MBA), Macquarie University (DipSM) and a AICD (GAICD)
Non-Executive Director for Stadiums Queensland
Non-Executive Director Brisbane Broncos Leagues Club
Non-Executive Director investLogan
Member of the Public Trustee Advisory and Monitoring Board
Brendan is an experienced board, investment, remuneration and commercial committee member with over 17 years’ experience as a Director and Deputy Chair, and 25 years in senior executive roles. In November 2021 he completed his role as CEO/CIO of Intrust Super Fund where he managed its successful merger. Brendan’s previous experience also includes senior executive roles at Mercy Super and City Super, and a Member of the Property Investment Advisory Board Member at Chauvel Capital.

Michael Cottier
Chair – Risk Committee
Member - Audit Committee
Member - Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Bachelor of Business
Master of Taxation
Chartered Accountant
Fellow - Australian Institute of Company Directors
Michael Cottier has been an elected director since 2015.
Michael is a company director whose experience includes finance, investment and risk-related positions at several large Queensland companies. He presently sits on the Responsible Superannuation Entity Boards of BT Super, and the Boards of Wilson Asset Management (WAM) Alternative Assets Limited and Metro Arts Limited.

Peta Irvine
Chair - Product and Investment Committee
Member - Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Fellow, Australian Institute of Management
Diploma of Financial Planning
Diploma of Neuroscience of Leadership
Fellow - Australian Institute of Company Directors
Fellow - Australian Institute of Management
Peta Irvine has been an elected director since 2016.
Peta has a wide range of experience across a diverse range of industries and organisations, with a strong focus on member-based organisations. She is the CEO of Local Government Managers Australia, Chair at QLeave and Chair of Resolution Pathways.

Rebecca Sisson
Member - Product and Investment Committee
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Certificate in Governance Practice
Rebecca Sisson has been an elected director since 2017.
Rebecca is an assistant secretary of the Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) and executive member of the Queensland Council of Unions.
Over the past seventeen years, Rebecca has developed extensive experience in a variety of areas including, member engagement, data management and analysis, process and procedure development and implementation as well as operational management.

Leah Mertens
Member – Audit Committee
Member – Risk Committee
Diploma of Teaching - Arts and Humanities
Assistant Secretary at the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU)
Leah Mertens has been an elected director since 2019.
Leah worked in a variety of state primary and secondary schools, in metropolitan, rural and remote communities before her appointment as Assistant Secretary at the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) Leah fulfilled the roles of Women’s Officer at the QTU, Strategy and Policy Officer at the Queensland Council of Unions, and Research Officer – Professional Issues at the QTU.
During her 26 years of working for the union movement, Leah has been providing advice to, and advocacy for, QTU members. She has served as the AEU’s corporate director on the board of the Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM), was the Chair of the Queensland Working Women’s Service (QWWS) as well as serving as the Vice-President on the Management Committee of Basic Rights Queensland (BRQ).

Anne Fuchs
Advanced Diploma in Financial Services
Diploma in Financial Services
Certificate in Superannuation Management
Bachelor of Arts
Graduate - Australian Institute Company Directors
Anne Fuchs has been an elected director since 2019.
Anne has worked across the financial services sector for over 25 years in both ‘for profit’ and ‘profit for member’ organisations.
Anne is currently the Head of Advice at Australian Retirement Trust, the second largest superannuation fund in Australia with over 2.1 million members. Anne is also the Treasurer of the Australian Labor Party – Queensland Branch and is a director of several companies of the Labor Holdings Group . Anne has extensive experience in member engagement, customer growth and retention strategies, investments, financial advice and corporate governance.

Mark Anghel
Chair - Audit Committee
Member - Risk Committee
Member - Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Graduate - Australian Institute of Company Directors
Post Graduate Diploma - Educational Studies (Guidance and Counselling)
Masters – Educational Studies
Bachelor Degree – Economics
Diploma - Secondary Teaching (Science and Economics)
Mark Anghel was appointed as a director in March 2019 to fill the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) position on the board.
Mark worked for twenty-two years as a teacher and Head of Department in the State Schooling system across the State of Queensland. Whilst teaching, Mark led and was a member of various QTU committees including President of Brisbane South Area Council, Delegate to National Australian Educators Union conferences, Legal committee, Chair of Salaries and Industrial Conditions Committee and other various subcommittees. From this, Mark went on to work for the Queensland Teachers’ Union as Assistant Secretary – Services, Legal.

Thalia Edmonds
Member - Audit Committee
Member - Risk Committee
Admitted as a solicitor in the High Court of Australia and admitted as a Legal Practitioner in both Queensland and New South Wales
Bar Practice Course
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Bachelor of Laws
Graduate Diploma of Music (Teaching)
Bachelor of Music (Performance)
Thalia Edmonds has been an elected director since 2021.
Thalia Edmonds is an admitted Legal Practitioner and is currently the Industrial Advocate at Queensland Teachers’ Union. Thalia also works at Griffith University in the School of Criminology as a Unit Coordinator and tutor. She has had extensive experience as a Federal Prosecutor employed by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions and has acted in leadership and advisory roles at a number of organisations.