Members Own Health Funds
Australians have a choice when it comes to investing in their most important asset - their health.
They can choose a health insurer that treats people as numbers… one that puts profit before people and shareholder return before member wellbeing.
OR, as more than 2.5 million Australians have done, they can choose one of 15 not-for-profit or mutual Australian health funds that treat them as a member, not a profit centre.
Union Health is proud to have joined with Members Own health funds to inform Australians of the benefits of being with a fund that is for people, not profit.
Advantages of a Members Own Health Fund.
Members Own funds are run to benefit members - not shareholders or overseas owners.
On average, they give more back to members (benefits paid as a percentage of members’ premiums).
Members Own funds are focused on giving more back and doing more for their members.
Members Own funds deliver better service, have higher member satisfaction and loyalty and receive fewer complaints than for profit or overseas owned funds